Surrey Summit - Guildford

Type of Wall: Bouldering, Roped, Auto-belay

Surrey Summit is part of Surrey Sports Park

Parking: There is a car park outside the centre. There are 11 disabled spaces outside the centre and you can have 5 hours free parking with a blue badge. The nearest disabled space is 6m from the entrance.
Access to reception:
 The entrance is 6m from the nearest disabled space. It is level access but there is a slope to the entrance. Inside there are no steps. The flooring inside the entrance and lobby is smooth and suitable for wheelchairs. There is a restaurant and cafe on the first floor and there is loft access to this.
Access to the walls: There is step-free access to the walls and bouldering mat. The flooring by the roped walls is flat and hard but is rubbery so will have additional friction.
Accessible Toilet Facilities: There are 3 accessible toilets with automated doors on the ground floor and first floor. The closest one is 20m from the entrance. There are 5 accessible changing rooms with automated doors all on the first floor.

The sports park follows ADUK rules for assistance dogs - they have access everywhere apart from the swimming pool.
The centre has DisabledGo which gives more information about accessibility